Cleaning Service Template

Draw up a custom-made Cleaning Service agreement that outlines the rights and requirements of both the client and the cleaner. Use our template to write a contract that makes sense and does not leave out any important information.

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Who will provide the services under this agreement?


Last Update September 10th, 2024

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Table of Contents:

What Is a Cleaning Service Contract?

A Cleaning Service Contract is a legal document made between 2 parties when one of them wants to hire a cleaner to clean a property.

These properties range from homes to office buildings. That is why this type of service contract has a few other names, including:

If you are interested in hiring a Cleaning Service for your home or business, a contract allows you to set the terms and conditions of the service.

When Do You Need a Cleaning Service Agreement?

You should formalize a Cleaning Contract before the service begins.

After an agreement is in place, both parties must outline the terms and conditions. Without an agreement, there is always a risk of serious legal problems later on.

Take advantage of LawDistrct’s Cleaning Service Contract Template. Use it to help you write your contract and make it easier to avoid issues such as a lawsuit or late payments.

How To Write a Cleaning Service Agreement

A well-written Cleaning Contract ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of what’s expected

To create a well-outlined document, you need information from both parties.

Ensure you gather the following: