Divorce papers application broward county

What types of forms are included in each form package?

The Form Catalog consists of Circuit, County Civil, Probate, Simplified Divorce, Tenant Eviction and Traffic, Felony and Misdemeanor form packages. Click on the package description link to view a list of forms in each package.

How do I Purchase and Download a Forms Package?

The following steps will assist you in purchasing a form download package. Please have your credit card ready (American Express, Visa or MasterCard).

1. Go to the Clerk of the Courts home page www.browardclerk.org, from the Online Services link, select FORM DOWNLOADS

2. On the "Downloads" screen, select the form package you would like to purchase and click ADD TO BASKET.

3. Once the item has been added to your basket, go to the upper navigation bar and click the BASKET link to proceed with the payment process.

4. On the "Payment Summary/Basket Detail" screen, you have the option to Delete an Item, Purchase another Form, or click PURCHASE to proceed with payment.

5. On the "Payment" screen, enter the required Billing Information. Click CONFIRM PURCHASE to process the transaction.

6. The following screen displays an "Order History" of the transaction. Click PRINT THIS PAGE, or make a note of the confirmation number for any future questions you may have relating to this transaction.

7. Click the DOWNLOAD link to start the download process.

8. On the "File Download" Pop-Up window, click RUN.

9. On the "Internet Explorer" Pop-Up window, click RUN.

10. On the "Xceed Zip Self-Extractor" Pop-Up window, click CONTINUE.

11. On the following "Self-Extractor" Pop-Up window, select the folder where you want to unzip the forms package.

To browse for a destination folder, click on the . BUTTON.

12. Click OK three times to complete the process. You will find the Forms Package in your destination folder ready to open.

What would I pay if I purchased a form at the Courthouse?

Effective July 1, 2008

The Broward County Clerk of Courts will be enforcing the following sections of Florida State Statute 28.24 and Florida State Statute 119.07 in their compliance with issuing forms, copies and information to all persons doing business with the Clerk of Courts.

119.07(1)(a)Issuing blank forms for persons to complete administrative records pursuant to Florida Rules of Judicial Administration 2.051