State Travel Management Program – Enterprise Rent-A-Car Contract

Review comparison tables for all vendors' rates and other contract provisions.

To Make an Enterprise Car Rental Reservation Online:

  1. After reviewing the following steps, go to the State of Texas Enterprise website.
  2. Enter your location of choice and dates.
  3. Enter your State of Texas agency rate identifier and click on search.
  4. On the next page, enter in your three-digit pin. If you need assistance or unsure of your pin, please call 1-866-398-5080.
  5. Now follow the directions on the next page on the Web site.

To Make a National Car Rental Reservation Online:

  1. After reviewing the following steps, go to the State of Texas National website
  2. Enter your location of choice along with dates and times.
  3. Enter your State of Texas agency rate identifier in the Contract field.
  4. If you have an Emerald Club number, enter in your Last Name and Emerald Club Number
  5. Click on "Start Reservation"
  6. Now follow the directions on the next page on the website to select your size of car and enter in your remaining information (name, phone number, etc).

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Required Applications: